Petuaria ReVisited: Excavations in 2022 at Brough on Humber (awarded 2022)

In July 2022, work continued in the north-west corner of the Burrs Playing Field on the corner of the walled enclosure found by Corder’s team in the 1930s. Several sections were excavated across the rampart revealing various phases from the fourth to first centuries AD. Much of the pottery, including figured samian and mortaria, Nene Valley colour coats and eastern Yorkshire greywares was found at the southwestern edge of the excavation and was probably disturbed from earlier layers during later rampart construction. Other finds included a copper alloy wire finger ring closely paralleled in Germany, military-style belt fittings and a bone die. The latest coin was one of Magnentius (AD 350-353).

The 2022 excavation confirmed that most of the stonework of the curtain wall was heavily disturbed and redeposited during Corder’s excavation. Fortunately, several courses remained intact, with herringbone pattern masonry and at the outer corner worked limestone blocks.

A trench opened in the garden to the east of the Burrs revealed what may be part of the northern agger of the road. In the final days of the excavation, large unabraded sherds of Roman pottery.

We would like to thank the Roman Research Trust for supporting the excavations.