Teffont Archaeology Project (awarded 2021)

The Teffont Archaeology Project 2021 evaluation excavations seek to better understand a major complex of Roman buildings revealed by geophysical survey conducted in 2020 at Teffont, Wiltshire as part of a long running investigation of Teffont’s Roman landscape. Thanks to the support of the RRT and our other funders, we will work with local volunteers, the community and our project team to understand the preservation, dating and character of a selection of the structural and non-structural remains through excavation. Initial indications from geophysical survey and small scale previous excavation are that the morphology of the structures suggests a religious complex analogous to others in south-western Britain in the Late Roman period. Following excavation our post-ex team of specialists will assess the stratigraphic sequence, finds and environmental remains to try and understand practices at the site in more detail. We aim in particular to try and discern any differences and similarities between this apparently later part of the site, and earlier foci of activity to the west. The work will be published as part of the project’s overall final monograph publication. The project team are very grateful for the RRT’s funding support.