Projects supported

In recent years the Roman Research Trust has supported a wide range of projects related to Romano-British archaeology. It has made awards to fieldwork projects including excavation and survey at Trimontium, military sites in Scotland, Roman Durnovaria and Durobrivae (Water Newton). It has supported post-excavation analysis of material from Stapleton Mead, Flexford, Elloughton (E. Yorks.), Druce Roman Villa and Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester) and projects to enhance cataloguing work on Romano-British pottery fabrics. It has made grants in support of publications including Greek and Roman medicine and Romano-British glass bangles. Additionally it has supported educational activities and digital media projects including a digital project based on the collections at Vindolanda, an experimental archaeology project on Roman cooking and outreach projects at the Grosvenor Museum and the Novium Museum. More details on previous projects supported is provided below.

The Harpham Villa Landscape Project, 2023 (awarded 2023)

The excavations have confirmed that the features previously identified by geophysical survey represent the remains of a small Romano-Celtic temple. The pottery recovered during the excavations spans the 1st-4th centuries, but narrower…

Previous Projects supported