Roman pottery from Flexford, Surrey (awarded 2019)

The Roman Research Trust has kindly supported the recording and reporting of the Roman pottery from Flexford by Archaeology South East. Flexford is a 10-hectare Roman rural site excavated by Surrey Archaeological Society between 2009-2015.

All 29,533 sherds were assessed following the national Standard for Roman Pottery Studies in Archaeology, 2016. Sherds were quantified by count, weight, fabric, form, decoration, ENV and EVE, with context details, key groups and spot dates, and recorded on an Excel spreadsheet. Over 95% of the fabrics are local with jars forming 63% of the assemblage and increasing proportions of fourth century bowls and dishes. There were small quantities of Late Bronze Age and post-medieval sherds but no others. The spread sheet and report will be published online.

Excavations, guided by magnetometry, covered about 1.5% of the site. The pottery assemblage is probably, therefore, a small proportion of the total. There are no signs of a villa or kilns and the size and consistency of the assemblage suggest it is representative. Excavation results, and the quantity and mix of pottery, suggest a nucleated settlement near a road with rectilinear buildings, religious and funerary elements, structured deposits and metal working.